Friday, 16 November 2012


The first place to look when thinking about western spirit is to look at the religion of Christianity.

When we talk about the spirit within Christianity we mean 'the holy spirit' or 'holy ghost' which is what I mentioned when talking about my own opinions of spirit. 

The New Testament includes over 90 references to the Holy Spirit.  Which would be timely to look into all of them.  The bible states that the Jesus, son of god was conceived by the holy spirit.  By logic this would surly make that his rather but this isn't true according to what the bible states.  The trinity show that in the Scutum Fidei diagram they are not linked to each other but only to god (whatever that is).

There is an interesting section talking about a Russian man by the name of Vladimir Lossky who argues against the classic understand of the trinity.

  "God the Son became manifest as the Son of God, the same did not take place for God the Holy Spirit which remained unrevealed.  Yet, as in 1Corinthians 6:19 God the Spirit continues to dwell in bodies of the faithful"

I like the word dwell it gives a sense of stable remaining but it seams only contractually viable in people who are and remain 'faithful' which in itself is basically a commitment to a chosen agreement in this case the religion.  Possible directions could be to create a religion within the game for which only access to the spirits is allowed.  I find it interesting and wonder what happens to the spirit if not faithful? here is a select few passages from the bible which mention the holy spirit.

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you."

This line caught my attention, the spirit of truth.  Its almost as if 'spirit' is just then embodiment of a value made up to support a situation.  Within other cultures I know spirits are considered just one part of something that is alive and the body is a vessel to house the spirit.  With Christianity it is becoming increasing clear that the meaning of 'spirit' is actually quite vague.

Another line seams to give a hint of idenity to this 'spirit of truth' by calling it a He.  This someone dampens what I previously said about it.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

Later I stumbled upon something which seams to make clear that we each have our 'own spirit' which is somehow linked to this 'holy spirit'  For example...

Acts 16:6-7
Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.

This talks about Jesus's spirit as a difference to the holy spirit, they are not one but separate entities.  To further give evidence of this another act.

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God
The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.

The spirit meaning holy I presume... with OUR spirit.  Its funny how most attention is on the 'Holy Spirit' yet there is very little understanding of our spirit about within ourselves.  I don't know much about Buddhism and look forward to researching into this but its my understanding that a lot of its ideas are to look into oneself for answers and hope where as Christianity seams to pin or point towards something else as a guide.

Here I found some text about the benifits of allowing the spirit 'fill you'

Being filled with the Holy Spirit produces a sense of peace and joy in the believer. The fruit (i.e., harvest) of the Spirit is described as being joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Spirit-filled Christians are just different.

This seams to give the impression that the spirit is external and conditionally enters the body and grants rewards such a peace and joy.  This is worth exploring and can see potential use within the game.  I like the idea of being rewarded for following rules which is basically what Christianity is saying.  The last conclusion on the link is...

The Holy Spirit lives inside the Christian and guides the actions of those who desire His presence. The Spirit empowers the believer to step outside his comfort zone to do extraordinary acts of faith for God.

'Lives' can be significant as it implies the holy spirit is alive or has life which can surly be ended.  This is important as life and death are important elements within game play and could tie into how a player will interact with a spirit inside the game.

SO FAR....

Just looking into a few quick links I have discovered that there is one all encompassing spirit known as 'the holy spirit' which if allowed into ourselves will act as a guide to help us in life.  It can also bring rewards such a peace and kindness but it is conditional to entering us.  It is still unclear if we each have our own spirit, or maybe once we allow this one whole spirit to enter is it becomes our own is unknown.  I also touched upon the idea that if it lives it can die which can create some interesting situations with a game environment.

Doing a quick image search of 'holy spirit' bombards with images of doves for some reason.

Here are a few select images just taken from the search, one thing to note straight away is how the images have been manipulated to give the effect on some kind of aura.  Something which myself would assume no its worth wondering if that is culture, society and medias influence or really how the brain perceives something of misunderstanding I do not know.

The dove clearly has some kind of symbolic attachment to the holy spirit so this is what I will next look into.

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